Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Life @ 14000', part II...

I returned to the peak of Mauna Kea last week, had to take some measurements for one of the instruments. (a testament to good drawing management, they have drawings for it, but nobody is sure if they are accurate!?!)

This week I find my self in the UKIRT inferred telescope, with two projects...

The lifting mechanism for the CGS4 (red crate) needs to be modified so it may be serviced using a different work stand.

My other project is also for the UKIRT telescope is a "rain hat" for the WF-Cam (black torpedo). Apparently the dome leaks and water has been pooling against the "field lens", I'm told this is bad.

Both of these projects are pretty straight forward, although I am not really getting the level of mentor-ship I would like with respect to the stress analysis for the modifications for the CGS4. Its a big, expensive, one-of-a-kind device and I don't wanna break it! My direct superior is leaving for holidays at the end of the month, so perhaps I will have better luck with the senior engineer; he is a very personable guy.

Inside the UKIRT...

Another fancy panoramic from the UKIRT parking lot, the highest point on Mauna Kea...

Apparently the astronomers and I share the same level of humor...


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